Sue Shefts Designs
I still remember the thrill of my first sale to a store called Nicolina, a fabulous, funky, artsy boutique on West 46th Street in New York City’s theatre district. That was in 1991. The owner and I became friends and Nicolina carried SUE SHEFTS DESIGNS for seven years! It was a great start for me.


In 1994, my husband and I bought a 33-foot RV and traveled around the United States for six months. Naturally, I brought my work along. In between a leisurely drive down Virginia’s Skyline Drive and avoiding the bats at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, SUE SHEFTS DESIGNS went national! We met great people everywhere we went and I sold my work to galleries and shops all along the way.


Since moving to Atlanta in 1995, I have had my work represented in fine boutiques and displayed at art shows throughout this city and the Southeast. Over the past few years, I have received so many wonderful phone calls, e-mail messages, and handwritten notes from happy customers expressing an interest in expanding their SUE SHEFTS DESIGNS personal collections. Now, through this site, I can fulfill your need for sparkle, no matter where you live! 


And if you live in the metro Atlanta area, you can find a selection of my work here: 





Johns Creek Books & Gifts

6000 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek, GA  30022



A&S Culinary Concepts
9945 Jones Bridge Road, Suite 303
Johns Creek, GA  30022
This is the culinary studio my husband and I own...set up an appointment to meet at a mutually convenient time.